barXprint Supported barcode types
- UPCA — Universal product code seen on almost all retail products in the USA and Canada,
- UPCE — Compressed version of UPC code for use on small products,
- UPC_SUPPLEMENTAL_2DIGIT — UPC code with 2 digit add-on,
- UPC_SUPPLEMENTAL_5DIGIT — UPC code with 5 digit add-on,
- EAN13 — European Article Numbering international retail product code,
- EAN8 — Compressed version of EAN code for use on small products,
- Interleaved 2 of 5 — Compact numeric code, widely used in industry, air cargo,
- Standard 2 of 5 — Older code not in common use,
- Industrial 2 of 5 — Older code not in common use,
- CODE39 — General-purpose code in very wide use world-wide,
- CODE39Extended — supports all ASCII 128 characters by using double character encoding,
- Codabar — Older code often used in library systems — sometimes in blood banks,
- PostNet — Used by U.S. Postal Service for automated mail sorting,
- BOOKLAND — used internationally to identify books as well as video and audio cassettes and software,
- ISBN — International Standard Book Number,
- JAN13 — variation of EAN13 used in Japan,
- MSI (Modified_Plessey) — It is a continuous symbology that is not self-checking. MSI is used primarily for inventory control, marking storage containers and shelves in warehouse environments,
- MSI_Mod10 — MSI barcode variation,
- MSI_2Mod10 — MSI barcode variation,
- MSI_Mod11 — MSI barcode variation,
- MSI_Mod11_Mod10 — MSI barcode variation,
- CODE11/USD8 — Used primarily for labeling telecommunications equipment,
- GS1-128/EAN-128/UCC12 — is just an application of the Code 128 (ISO/IEC 15417) using the ANS MH10.8.2 AI Datastructures,
- GTIN-13/EAN-13/UCC13 — is a 13 digit (12 data and 1 check) barcoding standard which is a superset of the original 12-digit Universal Product Code (UPC) system developed in the United States,
- LOGMARS — Same as Code 39, this is the U.S. Government specification,
- CODE128 — Very capable code, excellent density, high reliability; in very wide use world-wide,
- CODE128A — linear barcode, varius usage,
- CODE128B — is one of the most popular modern barcodes. It is a very high density barcode supporting alphanumeric characters,
- CODE128C — is a continuous barcode. Its character set is '0' to '9' (plus special characters CODE_B and CODE_A) internally coded every two characters (digits),
- ITF14 — is the GS1 implementation of an Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code to encode a Global Trade Item Number. ITF-14 symbols are generally used on packaging,
- CODE93 — Compact code similar to Code 39,
- TELEPEN — insluding compressed numeric mode.
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