
  • web user administration released on 11/2014
  • mobile web viewer based on responsive framework to be released od 2/2015

getXpdf Editions

allows more then 50 documents in archive folder no yes yes yes yes
works from any windows application yes yes yes yes yes
searches for all files in desired path and open .pdf with searched name yes yes no no no
display's files with the same name as searched but does not allow to open it thrue getXpdf yes yes no no no
searches for all files in desired path and opens all file extensions with searched name no no yes yes yes
allows you to change shortcut key combination yes yes yes yes yes
allows you to set filter for files extensions searched no no yes yes yes
licensing is enabled thrue central licence file which makes it easier to install and licence large number of workstations no no no yes yes
connect to database and search for path and file name of document to open no no no yes no
connect to database and search for the index, opens the BLOB field and display's document stored in it no no no no yes
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  • Casestudies,
  • User opinions.
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  • all windows OS versions,
  • brochures & user manuals.
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  • getXpdf lite version is limited:
  • to 300 document search capabilities and,
  • only opens .pdf file types.
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