
  • web user administration released on 11/2014
  • mobile web viewer based on responsive framework to be released od 2/2015

freeXreport Functions



  • usage of any type of database as a source through direct driver or ODBC driver,
  • every report can have multiple queries as report source,
  • you can use additional custom field that are linked with username as parameter in your report,
  • logging of username, parameters, date/time and layout is enabled in freeXreports server. 



  • Multiple layout (report designs) on same data source,
  • Report layout types can be customized,
  • Powerful report designer,
  • report layout import/export.


For distribution of report freeXreports have two scenarios:

  1. for smaller business using desktop viewer,

  2. for middle and big businesses using web server to connect different viewers to it (web browser and mobile device viewers).

Image bellow represents deployment methods.


freeXreport administration consist of:

  • user management,
  • user roles management,
  • reports and books permissions per user and/or role.
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  • User opinions.
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  • all software edition,
  • all windows OS versions,
  • samples & user manuals.
freeXreport Tour
  • Introduction video,
  • how to video,
  • application screenshots.
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get your free trial now trial period is limited to 30 days of use, number of reports is limited to 5 reports, watermark is printed on every report.  Download
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